Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Take good care of your skin! It's your body's largest organ.

I always have skin care on the brain. As a make up artist, I need a good canvas to work on. I've come to realize that most people are unaware of some of the basics of good skin care. You don't need to spend a fortune to get good results but you do have to make skin care part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.

Since it is summer, let's talk about sunscreen. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that everyone use at least an SPF 30 all year round.

All kids starting at 6 months of age must have sunscreen of SPF of 30 applied correctly and frequently when they are out in the sun for any length of time. Sunscreen should be applied half an hour before sun exposure and before your child is dressed and reapplied hourly and every time your child gets out of the water.

Now for the adults. If the increased risk of melanoma doesn't scare you maybe some pictures of horribly sun damaged skin will! Yikes!! Up to 90% of skin aging is caused by sun exposure. Don't make the mistake of thinking that tanning beds are any safer of better for your skin. If Snooki can give up tanning beds, so can you!

Dermatologists and Plastic surgeons have been coming up with new procedures to reverse some of the affects of premature aging caused by ultraviolet exposure but they are NOT cheap. Professional laser treatments run thousands of dollars. In comparison, a tube of sunscreen is a bargain.

Most cosmetic day creams have an SPF 15 and are fine for when you are just running from your car to your office, for example. There are also many good hand creams with SPF, very important for avoiding age spots and crepey skin on your hands. The amount of sun that comes through your car window would surprise you! Wearing a lip balm with an SPF or an opaque lipstick will protect your delicate lips.

Here are links to some of my favorite SPF products:

Neutrogena Sun Block, Ultra Sheer Dry Touch SPF 55

Chanel UV Essential Multi-Protection Daily UV Care SPF 50

Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Sunblock Stick SPF 60 +

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